Friday 10 September 2010

Posh windows and conservatories, the finer things in life...

Note to self: Don't put turpentine in a plastic cup. Live and learn i guess. But, on the other hand, it could be considered as a "happy accident" and a piece of contemporary sculpture and I could do loads of them and say it's a comment on the effects of alcohol to young people that we're all melting or something like that... nah, i'll leave out the comment about it.

The above piece is an idea that popped in to my head, literally. It's of Elvis and Neptune and thought that they would go well together as they are doing similar kind of poses. I wanted to make it stand out, with complementary colours and show contrast and yet similarity with the symmetry. I've decided to include this in a small project about my experiences in Italy, which will also include the oil painting in the last post. Although I have chosen to paint these in different ways, I hope to incorperate them all with a contemporary feel about them, linking the past to the present. The next painting I wish to do for this, will be based on Beldevere's torso, but using women's torso's from magazines.

Lastly, I watched "Exit through the gift shop" - a bansky film last night and definately recommend it to anyone doing art, and anyone really. Funny times : D

As for the rest of my life, I am working more at Greggs, caaaakkkkessss : D and reading some Philip K Dick. Catching up with friends, and also saw Scott Pilgrim vs. the world which was a good film. Has a style like Kick - ass.

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